Saturday, March 31, 2018

Evaluations, Friday 3/30

Friday, March 30th, 5pm  I completed the 1st day of rehab and I am exhausted.  It started bright and early at 7:30am with my PT evaluation.  He asked my a bunch of question about previous ability, how my house is set up, equipment I have at home, help I have at home, including home health (only for my IVIG).  Then he assessed my movement, spasticity and strength and that was the really strange part. All the doctors have been testing my movement and strength every day and Dr. Latorre tests my spasticity a little bit but this guy really tried to elicit the spasm and there was nothing. No tone, not even a little spasm.  We worked some more on transferring into the chair from the bed. I’m getting pretty good at it except my feet get stuck. Then I had OT after breakfast, I got to take a real shower. That felt so good. I had to have a lot of help with that too, partially because this bathroom is poorly designed to be used by someone in a wheelchair.  The shower is just a little bit too small and the shelf for the shampoo and body wash is at the opposite end of the shower from the water, which means once you are in the shower, the shampoo is behind you and you can’t reach it. Being that it was my 1st time in the shower, the therapist wasn’t going to leave me anyway. She wanted to assess my abilities and be available to help me as needed.  There is really no such thing as modesty in rehab. When you have a baby (I’ve had 3) your modesty is gone from the time you come into the hospital in labor until you deliver your baby and the placenta and get stitched up if you need that. Your OB is in there and 2-3 other staff, maybe more. When you are in rehab, someone helps you get dressed, take a shower, go to the bathroom every day for 2 weeks. I have had 5 people see me naked or mostly naked today.  Rehab trumps child birth for tearing away your modesty any day.

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