Friday, May 25, 2018

What else can go wrong?

Actually, I learned a long time ago not  to ask that question because the answer is LOTS!  I mentioned in my last post that I have started walking more now.  Since I can walk some, I haven't been using my wheelchair in the kitchen when I prepare my meals since cooking from a wheelchair is a bit difficult.  Since I started standing to prepare my meals, I started having trouble with dizziness after I stand for a few minutes, but only in the morning.  I thought it was my blood sugar getting too low since it was only happening in the morning.  I have a glucometer so I checked my blood sugar during these dizzy spells and it was in the 80s or 90s.  Then I checked my BP and  BINGO.  I couldn't even get it to register on my machine.  After the dizziness started to resolve, my BP was only 95/68.  That is not very high.  I wasn't getting blood to my brain.  That is why I was dizzy.  I tried several  things to see if it would get better but finally just went to the doctor.  She thinks maybe the paralysis episode I had may have messed up my autonomic nervous system.  Your autonomic nervous system controls all of those things you don't have to think about such as breathing, heart rate, BP, swallowing, sweating.  She did a bunch of blood work, which was all  normal, even my CBC which had been really abnormal in the hospital.  Now she is referring me to the cardiologist for a work up and wants me to notify Dr. Westgate.  I'm waiting for the cardiologist to get back with me because her 1st available appointment was the end of July for existing patients.  I would  just really like  my body to behave itself and work properly for once.  I have been doing my best to give it only top notch nutrition and  to exercise regularly at my ability level.  The least it could do it stop attacking itself.

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