Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hospital day 5

I got out of the ICU last night.  We were hoping I could go straight to rehab, but they didn't get the PT eval done, despite it being ordered on Sunday.  It didn't get done until this afternoon as a matter of fact.  Hopefully insurance will approve rehab early tomorrow so I can get over to rehab and  not just have to sit here in the main hospital doing nothing.  Medically, I am stable now.  I am just soooo weak that I can't go home.  PT tried to get me out of bed today and we didn't get very far.  They brought me to the edge of the bed and had me sit up with lots of help.  Then the therapist let go and I fell backwards.  I had to  either be held up by someone else or lock my arms behind me.

I am am still paralyzed from the waist down but I can get my hips to  make tiny movements.  I can't get anything at all from my knees or feet.  My hands, arms and shoulders are really weak.  I can hold my cup, silverware, and feed myself.  I can hold my phone, control the remote.  I can't raise my arms over my head though.  My diet was advance today to something resembling regular food.  It is called mechanical soft.  Everything comes up from the cafeteria already cut up, as if I can't cut up my own food.  I still am eating a lot of things like yogurt and pudding and mashed potatoes.  Stan got me a big smoothie this afternoon.  I still have some trouble with swallowing.  I have to swallow 2 or 3 times to get each bite down and I have to take really small bites and chew it forever.  I was already a really slow eater.  When we go out to eat, I'm going to have to tell them to bring my food out 1st so we aren't there forever.  I have to have a swallow study some time  while  I am here.  They are going to stick a fiber optic scope down my throat and watch what happens while I am swallowing.  It doesn't really sound fun to me but hopefully they can figure out what exactly is causing my swallowing issues and give me some strategies to fix it or they can figure out something else to fix it.

I want to thank everyone that is praying for me and my family.  I am a firm believer in prayer and have a lot of faith that Heavenly Father answers prayers.

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