Friday, April 6, 2018

Big leaps forward, then 1 step back

I know that  is not how the saying  goes, but I  feel as though I took  more than  steps forward for my little step back  today.  My sleep was really off last night despite Dr. Latorre having me on scheduled sleeping pill.  I've never taken a sleeping pill regularly, or even as needed.  I've taken Ambien once and that knocked me on my backside.  I got 1 Ambien tab before I left the hospital after going in for preterm labor and getting a bunch of shots to stop it (the shots make you very jittery).  I don't remember getting  home, and then I slept for 22 hours straight except for stumbling to the bathroom  every few hours (I was pregnant)  Because of that experience, I shy away from sleeping pills.  However, Dr Latorre (my rehab Dr in case you don't remember) wants to make sure I am getting adequate sleep so he  has ordered a sleeping pill to be given every night.  Last night, not even that was enough because I kept waking up to pee   When you can't walk to the  bathroom and you have to use a catheter to pee, this can take quite a while and can result in being wide awake when you are done.  Despite being careful not to drink too much after 8pm, I had to pee 3 times last night.  Sometimes it was a lot and sometimes it wasn't.  Then I started itching a lot which is one of my annoying MS symptoms so I put lotion on the effected areas, benadryl cream and finally just asked for some oral benadryl.  I had 3 bouts of sleep that were 2-3 hours each.  I was not ready to wake up.

Now this am, when the nurse took my am vitals, my BP was 100/56.  For those of you who are not medical, this is a low BP.  It I  was someone who was walking, it could have made me faint when I stood up out of  bed.  Since I was moving to the wheel chair, that wasn't a problem.  We did hold my diuretic which keeps my legs from swelling because I am in the wheelchair all the time.  I had some dizziness during PT a short time later and my heart rate was pretty fast, like 120.   My BP was good after a few hours of drinking a lot of fluids. My HR has been up most of the day, higher than my norm of 95-105.  I kept having to pee really frequently though but only had small amounts.  Usually I can only tell if my bladder is full when I have more than 750cc of urine in there but this am it was 200-300cc and I felt like I was going to burst.  A urine culture has been sent but the urninalysis was normal so we will just have to see how the culture comes out.

While all of this was happening this morning, I started having some muscle spasms again.  I would have been perfectly happy if they never came back and they took my pump out. This is one of  the biggest reasons all my doctors and  I were sure I had a UTI. No change in dose on my pump today.  We will see what happens with my spasms today.  I did get the OK to do  my bed to chair transfers alone today, but I can't go to the bathroom by myself.

I my speech and cognitive therapy today, I was given the game Luminosity on the tablet as my homework assignment.  It was challenging but I was surprised to find out when it scored me that I did better than 20-39% of the people who are my age

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