Thursday, April 19, 2018

Progress Report

It's been a few days since I updated this because it's been just the same thing going  on every day here.  I've been going to PT and OT and getting a little bit stronger each day.  Today we added pool therapy.  Here is a break down of the things I couldn't do when I got out of the ICU but I can do now.  Some of  them are pretty small things, but are a big deal for me.  They are big steps toward independence even though they seems like such small things.  First of all, I can  roll over by myself and position myself in almost any sleeping  position.  I still have a little bit  of trouble if I need to position pillows under or between my legs but I can  get into a comfortable position on my own.

2nd, I can sit on the edge of the bed without falling over.  The last day that I was in ICU, the therapist had me try to sit on the edge of the  bed and  I  could not hold myself up.  I still have a little bit of  weakness in my trunk that shows up at various times, such as when  I am trying to stand, when I was in the  pool, and when  I am trying to bend over to pick  something  up from a sitting position and coming back up (like if I drop something)

3rd, I can transfer from my chair to the bed and vice versa independently.  I started doing  this  independently only 48 hours prior  to going to the ICU.  It's the quickest way for me to get in and out of bed.  This became possible only because my trunk became strong enough to hold myself upright.  I used a slide board to do this transfer.  The slide board created a bridge between  the chair and the bed or whatever else I am transferring to and I slide across the bridge.

The biggest thing is I can stand a little bit.  This allows me to do a stand pivot transfer to the toilet from my chair..  Using the transfer board on the toilet is really hard since it isn't an even surface and it is very slippery.  Now I can stand perpendicular to the toilet, pull my underwear down and swing my hips over to the toilet.  This gives me a huge amount of  freedom when I am out in public.  I won't have to carry my slide board with me when  I  go places or have to figure out  how to maneuver in a handicap stall that is just a little bit too small.

Overall, my strength is coming back too.  When the doctor does a neuro exam,  they assign a number to each  extremity for strength ranging from 0-5.  A score of 5 is a normal, strong extremity with no deficits.  It's been a long time since I have scored a 5 on a neuro exam.  A score of 0 means the extremity being examined is paralyzed, no spasms, no muscle tone, completely flaccid.  When my right leg is paralyzed from my MS flares, it never scores 0 because I always have spasticity and high muscle tone.  It was usually 1 initially because I had muscle tone and spasticity but no voluntary movement.  When I was in ICU last week with my full body paralysis, my neuro exam score was 0 on all 4 extremities.  Today, I scored 4- in my arms, 2 in my L leg and my Rt leg is a 1+.  These numbers are a huge improvement from my ICU time.

I have 1 more week in rehab and then I get to go home.  It seems like I have been here forever.  I am so ready to go home.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Thank you for the update! I see the nurse in you and the “don’t quit, count my blessings” Patricia!! ❤️